Who doesn’t love some delicious peanut butter fudge? Thanks to this recipe that uses 100% vegan peanut butter, everyone can enjoy this tasty, weed-infused dessert!

  • Cannabutter – made from coconut oil (1 cup)
  • Powdered sugar (3 ½ cups)
  • Vegan peanut butter – room temperature (1 cup)
  • Cocoa (1 cup)
  • Vanilla extract (1 tsp)

What you do:

  1. Grease your baking dish with your preferred mild-tasting cooking oil
  2. Warm up your coconut oil cannabutter in a medium to large saucepan on low to medium heat. Using a spatula, mix in the powdered sugar until fully combined, which will take a few minutes of stirring.
  3. While keeping the flame (or burner) at low heat, stir in the cocoa until combined, followed by the peanut butter and vanilla extract.
  4. Pour the mixture into a baking dish that’s been greased, being sure to distribute it evenly throughout the baking dish. Place the dish in the fridge and let it cool until the mixture is completely firm.
  5. Cut into squares and enjoy!