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Marijuana Recipes is the ultimate online cannabis recipe guide to cooking with cannabis, making cannabis edibles, cannabis infused recipes and much more, featuring exclusive cannabis recipes, cannabis recipe videos, featured recipes from renowned cannabis celebrity chefs, monthly recipe contests with prizes and all the best content from partner websites from all over the web.


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Flying High Pizza Pie

Estimated Time: about 1 hour Serves: Makes 2 Pizzas Ingredients: Dough: 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1oz/28g yeast 1 tbsp granulated sugar [...]

Garlic Magic Herb Mashers

These Garlic Magic Herb Mashers make a great side to to any diner. Ingredients: 3-4 large Russet Potatoes, Washed, Peeled, [...]

Wake-N-Bake Breakfast Sandwiches

For a different version of this recipe, you could always butter the bread with CannaButter. Ingredients: 1-2 grams Cannabis 2 [...]

Cannabis Quesadillas

These make a tasty appetizer or a light lunch. Great for a Summer lunch or when you want a “little [...]

Citrusy Bud Bruschetta

You can mix and match what you put on your Bruschetta, but don’t forget the cannabis-infused olive oil! That is [...]